Friday, September 5, 2008

mission, disney, zoo OH MY!

In 2 days we will be boarding a plane headed to San Diego CA!! Need I say, "I AM SO EXCITED!" We are staying in a beach house on Mission beach for a whole week, a full 7 days!!

We are going to Disneyland, I cant even begin to tell you how much I am looking foward to it! We will also be visiting to infamous SD Zoo!

Here is what I am not excited about. PACKING. So packing for 4 is a whole new ballgame. Who knew that 4 people would use so much stuff in 1 week! And I am still afraid we are going to have enough. AIRPLANE. I am ok with airplane rides.. but Madi and Cait will probably have a different opinion on it all. And if you know Cait, you know she is hard to handle at times, and she will be sitting on our laps! SLEEPING. I know that there is going to be plenty of room in the house to sleep, but I assure you Madeline will find her way to our bed everynight equalling a week on bad sleep.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week while we are gone. OH and we bought a new camera so pictures will be coming soon!!!!

For you veiwing pleasure... a pic of the girls last december! hahahaaa